319 Refer to Operating Conditions below. Consider the applicability of the following items to the conditions confirmed in step 1 and provisionally decide the ball screw. 4FMFDUJPO PG -FBE "DDVSBDZ PG #BMM 4DSFXT Select the ball screw that satisfies the positioning precision. Check the following two points. Lead Accuracy : % For details, see P.321 on the catalog. Axial Clearance: % For details, see P.322 on the catalog. 4FMFDUJPO PG #BMM 4DSFX 4IBGU -FOHUI Generally, the shaft length should be stroke + shaft end of 50~ 150 mm + allowance. The allowance is to prevent detachment, and one end should be (lead x 1.5~ 2) mm or more. 1SPWJTJPOBM QPTJUJPOJOH PG MFBE Travel speeds, and speed of the drive motor should be used to select the lead. 5FNQPSBSZ TFMFDUJPO PG UIF TIBGU EJBNFUFS Weight of work and table, and . mounting position, and provisionally decided lead should be used to select the shaft diameter. "MMPXBCMF "YJBM -PBE The allowable axial load represents an allowed maximum load, including a safety margin, to prevent shaft buckling from occurrence. The finer the shaft diameter or the longer the shaft the easier it is for buckling to occur. 2 6TF UIF GPMMPXJOH TUFQT UP TFMFDU B CBMM TDSFX TVJUFE UP UIF VTBHF DSJUFSJB t $IFDL PO 0QFSBUJOH $POEJUJPOT 4UFQ 4UFQ 4UFQ 4UFQ t *OUFSJN 4FMFDUJPO PG #BMM 4DSFX 4UFQ t "MMPXBCMF "YJBM -PBE $IFDL 4UFQ t "MMPXBCMF 3PUBUJPOBM 4QFFE $IFDL 4UFQ t -JGF $IFDL 4UFQ $IFDL PO 0QFSBUJOH $POEJUJPOT 0, 0, /( /( /( *OUFSJN 4FMFDUJPO PG #BMM 4DSFX "MMPXBCMF "YJBM -PBE $IFDL /0 *UFN 6OJU 1PTJUJPOJOH "DDVSBDZ NN 4USPLF NN 5SBWFM 4QFFET NN T %SJWF .PUPS 4QFFE NJO-1 8FJHIU PG 8PSLQJFDF BOE 5BCMF ,H .PVOUJOH 0SJFOUBUJPO IPSJ[POUBM PS WFSUJDBM - -JGF )PVST 5JNF .PUJPO QBUUFSO %VUZ $ZDMF -JOF %JBHSBN 4FF 'JHVSF - *NQBDU PO 1PTJUJPOJOH 1SFDJTJPO PG "YJBM $MFBSBODF If the ball screw has axial clearance, when positioning operation is performed from the positive direction, because the work does not move even when the screw shaft rotates, a difference occurs in the clearance interval between the theoretical movement amount obtained from the revolution speed of the screw shaft and the actual movement amount. Displacement in (+) and (-) directions - 0 + 5IF NBY BYJBM MPBE UP UIF CBMM TDSFX NVTU CF FRVBM UP PS MFTT UIBO UIF BMMPXBCMF BYJBM MPBE WBMVF *G B MPBE FYDFFEJOH UIF BMMPXBCMF BYJBM MPBEJOH JT BQQMJFE JU JT QPTTJCMF UIBU UIF CBMM TDSFXhT TDSFX TIBGU XJMM CVDLMF 'JHVSF 'JHVSF #VDLMFE #BMM 4DSFX %VSJOH CVDLMJOH 'JHVSF &Y %VUZ $ZDMF -JOF %JBHSBN 0.15 0.09 0.15 0.51 0.15 0.57 0.15 0.53 0.9 0.9x3=2.7 1.4 720mm 1000mm/s V mm/s s 4.1 (1 Cycle) 240mm (Stroke) % 'PS EFUBJMT TFF 1 PO UIF DBUBMPH -PBEJOH EJSFDUJPO %FUFSNJOBUJPO Ball Screws Selection Guide