Indexing plungers for precision locating (Part Numbers - CAD Download)

Indexing plungers for precision locating
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Indexing plungers GN 817.3 realize a reasonable priced precision locating when guide bushes DIN 179 are used.
For this purpose a guide bush DIN 179 is used as guide, whereby the dimension l3 of the plunger determines the length of the bush.
The precise location is, therefore, not dependent on the guide pin in the plunger, but on the accuracy of the guide bush (bore tolerance F7) and the plunger (tolerance h7). Both components are hardened and ground. It goes without saying that the bush length also influences the accuracy of the positioning.
Type C is used for such applications where the plunger has to stay in its retracted position. To achieve this, the knob is rotated by 90° degrees after being retracted. A notch keeps the plunger in this position.

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GN 817.3 / Indexing Plungers for Precision Locating, Plunger Cylindrical


Indexing plungers GN 817.3 realize a reasonable priced precision locating when guide bushings DIN 172 / DIN 179 are used.
The precise location is, therefore, not dependent on the guide pin in the plunger, but on the accuracy of the guide bushing (bore tolerance F7) and the plunger (tolerance h7). Both components are hardened and ground. It goes without saying that the bushing length also influences the accuracy of the positioning.
Type C is used for such applications where the plunger has to stay in its retracted position. To achieve this, the knob is rotated by 90° degrees after being retracted. A notch keeps the plunger in this position.

see also...
• Construction and assembly instructions
• List of indexing plunger types
• Guide bushings DIN 172 / DIN 179 (cylindrical, with / without collar)
• Guide bushings DIN 172 .1 / DIN 179.1 (conical, with / without collar)

How to Order

How to order


• Steel
 - blackened
 - Plunger pin hardened and ground
• Knob
 Plastic (Polyamide PA)
 - black, matt
 - not removable
• Load rating information
• ISO-Fundamental tolerances
• Plastic characteristics
• RoHS compliant


Pin h6
l3bd2d3d4kl4l5l6Spring load in N ≈

Construction and Assembly Instructions for Indexing Plungers GN 817.3 (Plunger Pin Cylindrical)

Two different plunger pin lengths l1 are available for each indexing plunger diameter d1.
The length l3 must ensure that the plunger pin fully disengages, bushing length and plate thickness plus any gap can then be selected within certain margins.
For mounting bushings with tolerance n6, a hole with tolerance H7 corresponding to the external diameter is usually provided.
A selection of suitable guide bushings DIN 172 and DIN 179 is given below on.

see also...
• Indexing plungers GN 817.3 (Plunger pin cylindrical)

Construction and Assembly Instructions for Indexing Plungers GN 817.5 (Plunger Pin Conical)

The length l7 is determined by the penetration depth of the plunger pin into the cone of the bushing.
The length l8 must ensure that the plunger pin fully disengages, bushing length and plate thickness plus any gap can then be selected within certain margins.
If engaged, the pin must have a minimum remaining stroke of 0.5 mm to make sure that the conical section of the pin is located without clearance in the cone of the guide bushing.
Two different plunger pin lengths l1 are available for each indexing plunger diameter d1 (see product table).
For a safe remaining stroke length: l9 = l1 - 0.5 mm
For mounting bushings with tolerance n6, a hole with tolerance H7 corresponding to the external diameter is usually provided.
A selection of suitable guide bushings DIN 172 / DIN 179 with cylindrical bore and guide bushings GN 172.1 / GN 179.1 with conical bore is given below on.

see also...
• Indexing plungers GN 817.5 (Plunger pin conical)
Part Number
Part Number
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Bolt diameter d1
Length l1 Type

28.90 €

1 Available 7 Days 826B, without rest position, with plastic knob


  1. 1

This page is Indexing plungers for precision locating, part number 817.3-8-26-B.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number 817.3-8-26-B.

Variation of this product

Part Number
Part NumberStandard Unit PriceMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountStandard
Shipping Days
Bolt diameter d1
Length l1 Type

34.86 €

1 Available 4 Days 1024C, with rest position

30.90 €

1 Available 7 Days 1032B, without rest position, with plastic knob

36.46 €

1 Available 7 Days 1032C, with rest position

27.02 €

1 Available 7 Days 618B, without rest position, with plastic knob

32.02 €

1 Available 7 Days 618C, with rest position

34.86 €

1 Available 7 Days 826C, with rest position

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