CX-Server Lite & OPC Software (Part Numbers)

CX-Server Lite & OPC Software
CX-Server LITE
Simple but effective connectivity

As a pair to our OPC product, CX-Server LITE is designed to meet a wide variety of programmers' needs from the simple to the advanced. Used to create PC-based simple HMI projects, CX-Server LITE allows designers of custom programs to send and receive PLC data and manipulate controllers within Omron networks.
• Supports all Omron Networks
• Communicates to CS/CJ/C/CV and CP family PLCs, Trajexia, Celciux and ZX Sensors
• Supports all Omron communication protocols
• Program from Visual Basic, Excel or .NET
• Simple configuration using graphical components or complex scripting using API

CX-Server OPC
Omron’s devices meet ‘Open Integration’

CX-Server OPC provides a connection between the industry standard OPC interface specification and Omron's network architecture and controllers. CX-Server OPC allows any OPC compliant client software to interface easily with Omron.
• Compatible with OPC Data Access 1.0a and 2.05 SCADA clients
• Implements optional interfaces like Symbol Browsing and hierarchical workspace
• Supports all Omron Networks
• Communicates to CS/CJ/C/CV and CP family PLCs, Trajexia, Celciux and ZX Sensors
• Supports all Omron communication protocols

Part Number

Once your search is narrowed to one product,
the corresponding part number is displayed here.


Part Number
Part Number
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Version/Edition With OPC-interface, client With OPC-interface, server

1,781.33 €

1 3 Days CX-Server OPCtruetrue


  1. 1

Basic information

Media CD Number of licenses 1 Max. number of servers 1
Max. number of clients 1 Max. number of multi-users configuration 1 Number of online/runtime languages 1
Number of configuration-/desktop languages 1 Number of configuration-/runtime languages 1 Min. required main memory for configuration software(MB) 256
Min. required processor speed for configuration software(GHz) 512 Min. required main memory for runtime system(MB) 512 Min. required processor speed for runtime system(GHz) 512
Suitable for operating system Windows 7 true Function process diagnostics Not available SQL-database Not available
Reporting system/protocol system Integrated Message system Integrated User archive/recipes management Other
Industry- and technological expansions Integrated Library with object elements Integrated Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows XP true
With other script language true Runtime operating system, Windows 2000 true Integrable in the engineering software o.t autom.system true
Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows Vista true Online projecting possible true Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows 2003 Server true
Runtime operating system, Windows XP true User groups (password protection) possible false Runtime operating system, Linux false
Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows ME false With programming interfaces true Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows 9x false
Runtime operating system, other true Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Linux false SCADA functionality true
Language switch possible false Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows 2000 true Runtime operation system, Windows Vista true
With script language Visual Basic true Multi-user capable, runtime false Trend representation true
Suitable for web-clients false Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows 7 true Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows NT false
Alarm-management false

This page is CX-Server Lite & OPC Software, part number CX-OPC-EV2.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number CX-OPC-EV2.

Variation of this product

Part Number
Part NumberStandard Unit PriceMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountStandard
Shipping Days
Version/Edition With OPC-interface, client With OPC-interface, server

939.33 €

1 3 Days CX-Server LITEfalsefalse

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