CX-Supervisor V4 Software (Part Numbers)

CX-Supervisor V4 Software
Powerful Machine Visualisation
CX-Supervisor boasts powerful functions for a wide range of PC based HMI requirements. Simple applications can be created rapidly with the aid of a large number of predefined functions and libraries, and even very complex applications can be generated with a powerful programming language or VBScript™. CX-Supervisor has an extremely simple, intuitive handling and high user friendliness. Importing ActiveX® components makes it possible to create flexible applications and extend functionality.
CX-Supervisor is dedicated to the design and operation of PC visualisation and machine control. It is not only simple to use for small supervisory and control tasks, but it also offers a wealth of power for the design of the most sophisticated applications.

Part Number

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the corresponding part number is displayed here.

Part Number
Part Number
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Media Installation/ Upgrade Version/Edition

1,770.67 €

1 3 Days USB Dongle-Runtime Machine

2,686.67 €

1 3 Days USB Dongle-Runtime Plus

78.63 €

1 3 Days --Trial version

1,200.00 €

1 3 Days License onlyUpgradeDeveloper software upgrade

1,770.67 €

1 3 Days License only-Developer software


  1. 1

Basic information

Max. number of servers 1 Max. number of clients 1 Max. number of multi-users configuration 1
Number of online/runtime languages 16 Number of configuration-/desktop languages 16 Number of configuration-/runtime languages 16
Min. required main memory for configuration software(MB) 256 Min. required processor speed for configuration software(GHz) 600 Min. required main memory for runtime system(MB) 256
Min. required processor speed for runtime system(GHz) 600 Suitable for operating system Windows 7 false Function process diagnostics Not available
SQL-database Integrated Reporting system/protocol system Integrated Message system Integrated
User archive/recipes management Integrated Industry- and technological expansions Integrated Library with object elements Integrated
Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows XP true With other script language true Runtime operating system, Windows 2000 true
Integrable in the engineering software o.t autom.system true Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows Vista false Online projecting possible true
Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows 2003 Server false Runtime operating system, Windows XP true User groups (password protection) possible true
Runtime operating system, Linux false Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows ME false With programming interfaces true
Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows 9x false Runtime operating system, other false Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Linux true
SCADA functionality true Language switch possible true Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows 2000 true
Runtime operation system, Windows Vista false With script language Visual Basic true Multi-user capable, runtime true
Trend representation true With OPC-interface, client true Suitable for web-clients false
Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows 7 false Loadable for operating system for configuration software, Windows NT false With OPC-interface, server true
Alarm-management true

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