WEICON Flex 310 M 2K (Part Numbers)

WEICON Flex 310 M 2K
The WEICON Flex 310 M 2 K adhesive and sealant is very strong, non-corrosive, overpaintable (wet in wet), sandable, weather-resistant, resistant to UV rays and is free of silicone, isocyanate, or solvents.
Flex 310 M 2 K is a strong 2-component system on a hybrid polymer basis which enables fullsurface bonding of larger parts and which can be used to fill gaps of up to ten millimetres. It is suitable for the bonding of almost all materials such as metal and many plastics.
WEICON Flex 310 M 2 K can be used in metal construction, tank and apparatus engineering, machine and system construction, in the furniture industry, in ventilation and air conditioning systems, in the electrical industry, yacht and boat construction and in all applications where
silicones or products containing silicones are not suitable.

Part Number

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You can download the technical data sheet and material safety data sheet from following link:
Technical data sheet / 1. Material safety data sheet, 2. Material safety data sheet


Part Number
Part Number
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days

53.08 €

1 3 Days 10


  1. 1

This page is WEICON Flex 310 M 2K, part number 10027733.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number 10027733.

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