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Note that the above value is the height from the stage base surface to the mounting surface of the stage top and does not include the size of micrometer head, etc.
[High Precision]X-Axis Linear Ball Guide, Micrometer Head / Feed Screw / Digital, Differential Micrometer Head
High-Grade X-Axis Stage (Manual Stage)
X-Axis Linear Ball Guide (SS) Stage
[Standard] X-Axis / Cross Roller
[Precision] X-Axis / Cross Roller
X-Axis Cross Roller Guide Stage
X-Axis Linear Ball Guide Stage BXT Series
[Precision] X-Axis / Cross Roller / Heavy Load / Hex Knob
[Standard] X-Axis / Linear Ball
X-Axis Long Stroke Slid Guide Stage
Long Stage (X Axis)
Front Lock Stage (X Axis)
X-Axis Slim Stage (Manual Stage)
Dovetail Slide Stage XMA Series Slim Long Type
[Precision] X-Axis / Linear Ball / Rectangle
[Precision] X-Axis / Linear Guide
[Precision] X-Axis / Dovetail / Feed Screw / Heavy Load
[Precision] X-Axis / Linear Ball / Opposed Clamp with Knob
X-Axis Aluminum Cross Roller Stage TAM
VCR High-Precision X-Axis Stage (Manual Stage)
Manual X Axis, Crossed Roller Bearing Stages: 25×25 / 25×40 / 25×60 / 40×40 / 40×80 / 60×100 / 60×60 / 80×80 / 100×100 / 120×120 / 150×150 mm [S1-100]
Master Technique Stage (X Axis)
Multi-Function Feed Auger Stage (X Axis)
Dovetail Slide Stage XMA Series Square Type
Dovetail Slide Stage XMA Series Rectangular Type
Dovetail Slide Stage XMB Series Rectangular Type
X-Axis Manual Stage Cross Roller 80_2
X-Axis Manual Stage Cross Roller 610
X-Axis Manual Stage Cross Roller 150
X-Axis Manual Stage Cross Roller 100