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  • Applied Load
  • Material
  • O.D. D(Ø)
  • I.D. d(mm)
  • Free Height Ho(mm)
  • Load P3 (at 0.75h)(N)
  • Plate Thickness t(mm)
  • Total Deflection h(mm)
  • Fabricante
  • CAD

Disc Springs (Load P3 (at 0.75h): 4,130)

Disc springs are donut-shaped parts used when fastening bolts or nuts. Disc springs are often used as washers, which are called disc spring washers. The disc part around the hole is sloped to make a gentle conical shape. The conical shape is crushed when the bolt is tightened, and action is generated whereby the disc tries to return to its original shape. The objective of the disc spring is to use this action to prevent loosening after the bolt is tightened. These parts are used in fields such as machine tools, press machines and hinges. They are made from materials such as spring steel and stainless steel. Select according to properties such as rust resistance, abrasion resistance or impact resistance. Types are also available that are suitable for light loads or heavy loads.
    • Disc Springs
      • Volume Discount
      • Order quantities extended (D-JIT)


      Disc Springs

      [Features] Materials can be selected from S65C, EN 1.8159 Equiv. and EN 1.4301 Equiv. (sintered)-CSP.
      Más información
      Applied LoadMaterialO.D. D(Ø)I.D. d(mm)Free Height Ho(mm)Load P1 (at 0.25h)(N)Load P1 (at 0.50h)(N)Load P3 (at 0.75h)(N)Deflection δ
      For Light LoadEN 1.1221 Equiv. (Black Oxide)4522.43.1--4,130-
      Precio normal (IVA no incluidos):
      1.62 €
      Precio normal (IVA no incluidos):
      Precio especial
      Fecha de envío normal:
      5 días laborables